It has been a busy year for me, setting up my own practice and getting it running, so I haven't been as good about blogging as I had hoped I would be. (I admit it's kind of a sad effort, really, with only 2 main articles in the past year!) But I'm hoping that next year I'll be able to get into a more frequent and regular schedule, as I have heaps of ideas for blog topics, and even an idea for a vlog (video blog) series! So be sure to check back here (or follow me on Facebook or Twitter) to keep tabs on what's happening at the clinic, as well as for some new informational blog articles. In the meantime, here's a wrap-up on this past year, with a brief look ahead for the new year:
:: A big "Thank you!" to my clients ::
:: Christmas Break ::
In this busy time of the year, it can be easy to become so involved in work, family and friend commitments, that you forget about looking after yourself. And then suddenly your holidays are looming, and you realise that the niggly pain in your back isn't going to go away by itself - but when you try to book a Remedial Massage, there are no appointments available because everyone else has had the same idea! So I just want to gently remind everyone to book your massage now to avoid disappointment in the lead up to Christmas! Next week is already starting to book up, so if you want a particular day or time - book now! Appointments can be requested through this website by clicking on the button at the top of the page, or by ringing my mobile on 0405 792 425.
:: A Couple of Changes for the New Year ::
(By Appointment Only)
- Mondays, 9.00am - 7.00pm
- Tuesdays, 9.00am - 7.00pm
- Wednesdays, 10.00am - 8.00pm
- Thursdays, 9.00am - 7.00pm
- Fridays, 9.00am - 4.30pm
Due to increasing operational costs, I will also be introducing a slight increase in my fees, however the new fees will not be effective until 1 February 2014. As always, HICAPS will be available for immediate processing of most Health Fund rebates (for now, HCF still does not participate in HICAPS for Remedial Massage, so members will need to manually claim their rebates back from HCF). Please CLICK HERE for more details on the new rates.